【原创】End of Time/时间末梢


– “我爱你,你知道的,是不是?”你轻喃,抚上他颈侧,拇指摩挲着他的鬓角。

金·曷城 – 他偏过脸去,贴向你的手轻轻蹭过,无可奈何地勾起嘴角。

通情达理[极难:成功] – 那是他最早得知的事情之一。

金·曷城 – “恐怕我是没法忘记了。”他轻声低语,吻吻你的掌心。


【原创】End of Time(英文版)


YOU – “I love you, you know that, don’t you?” You murmur, caressing his cheek, your thumb stroking his temple.

KIM KITSURAGI – He nuzzles your hand, the corner of his mouth curling up wryly.

EMPATHY [Legendary: Success] – That’s one of the first things he’s ever learned.

KIM KITSURAGI – “If only I could ever forget,” he whispers, kissing your palm.

(A reverse timeline AU, sequel to All in Due Time, HarryKim, M/R)